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Islamic School of Cambridge

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Principal's Message

Assalamu Alaikum,

I would like to welcome you all, students and parents at  Al-Huda School. My primary focus is to promote a high standard of education for the Arabic langugage and Islamic studies. Through our sincere and concerted effort our goal will, inshallah, be achieved. May Allah help all those who work hard to achieve success in this life and in the hereafter.

In the past years of operation, the AL-HUDA  SCHOOL has established a high standard of educational services to its students and their families. My commitment is to maintain this high standard while looking forward to achieve an even higher level of success. This handbook is intended to serve as a guideline to students and parent in achieving a successful school year. It is very important to read the rules and regulations carefully as the school administration will be very strict in making sure they are observed. We hope that this year will be one filled with learning, growing, and fulfillment of goals. We hope and pray that the year will be one that you can look back on, years from now, with fondness. We ask that you assist us in maintaining and improving our fine project, so that we will continue to be known not only for our academic achievements, but also for our adherence to Islamic Principles of correctness and discipline. Strive with us, learn with us, smile with us, and be patient as we continue to grow together.

I trust you will help us in providing you with a strong foundation for your future.

Wassalamu Alaikum

Why an Islamic School?

“O ALLAH, give us the good in this world and the good in the next world!”

As Muslims, we are obligated to prepare our children to live an Islamic life, respecting and abiding by the principles of Qur’an and Sunnah. Living in a non-Muslim environment complicates our efforts. The need for an Islamic school emerges as a survival tool for all Muslim children, in a Muslim or non-Muslim country.

The Islamic school is an extension of the parents’ efforts to instill Islamic practice/values into an impressionable and formidable mind. It is the wholesome environment of Islam that promotes brotherhood, consciousness of ALLAH, a conviction to Islam, religious identity and an acceptable atmosphere to practice the Deen.

The child is given Islam across the curriculum, to produce intelligence with ALLAH’s laws as a basis for thinking and learning. A Muslim child without an Islamic education has little or no resistance to Shaitan. An Islamic school aims at providing all the essentials to promote “the good in this life” and strives to secure “the good in the next life”, insha’Allah. We pray that you understand and appreciate this golden opportunity and strive wholeheartedly to support this effort.

Our Objective

Striving for Excellence:

ISOC is committed to offering its students a competitive curriculum while adhering to the highest possible Islamic and academic standards.ISOC will strive to provide a safe and secure school atmosphere while preserving the Islamic identity of its students. The School will attempt to achieve these goals by approaching the education process holistically—by satisfying the cognitive, spiritual, psychological, physical and social needs of the students.

Non-discrimination Statement:

ISOC, admits students of any race, color, national, or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational or admissions policies.

Enrollment Procedure for school year

Students have to fill the registration form and pay the appropriate fees as detailed in the registration form and agree to abide by the school code of conduct.

Academic Evaluation

Students will undergo academic evaluation for appropriate grade-level curriculum. Assistant teacher will be in the classroom, on a full time basis, to help the main teacher managing the expected difference in language proficiency within the same class.

Volunteer Services

In order to have greater involvement from the families, we encourage each family to perform one day volunteer service for the school. Any person wishing to offer his/her time and/or services is invited to contact the administration.

Dress Code

As an Islamic school we encourage all our students and staff to observe the Islamic code of dress.

Girl’s Grades 7-12:

No make-up or perfume is allowed. Earrings and maximum of one ring per hand will be allowed. Hair, neck and ears must be covered at all times, socks must be worn, and sleeves may not be rolled up. tight clothes are not allowed.


Boys must keep their pants pulled up and use a belt if necessary. Pants are not to be dragging on the ground. Undershirts are to be tucked in at all times. Boys may not wear any jewelry except one ring per hand.

All Students:

All students are expected to be well groomed and clean; fingernails and hair must be kept short and clean.


Students should only be absent from school in case of illness, unusual family difficulties, or emergencies. Students are expected to attend classes regularly, so that they may reap the optimal benefit. The interaction and instruction that take place in the classroom are equally as valuable as written assignments. In case of absence, parents should send a signed written note with their children for next week class stating the reason of absence. Make-up assignments should be obtained from other students in the class during the week and submitted at the same time as other students. Please note Peel District School Board has their own regulation of the number of the absences permitted for the weekend school.

Drop off and Pick-up location and time
  • Temporary parking is not allowed at the main entrance.
  • Students should be dropped at the main school entrance 15 minutes prior to the starting of the classes.
  • Students should be picked up at the main entrance immediately at the end of the school day.
  • Elementary students who have not been picked on time, are escorted to a classroom for after-school care. The cost for the after school care is $1 for every 5 minutes per family. This fee will only be waived in case of emergency.
  • For early pick-up, the parent is required to go through the Al-Huda school administration, before his / her child could be dismissed from the class.
  • Parents are not allowed to communicate with the teachers during the class time.

Health and Safety

We expect parents to inform the administration of any allergy or medical condition their child might have.

Medical Guidelines

If a child becomes ill during school, he/she will be cared for temporarily, and the parent will be notified. No medication will be given without prior signed permission. For serious illness or injuries, the student will be referred to a physician or hospital. If the student is ill at home, and the illness is contagious, PARENTS SHOULD NOT ALLOW THE STUDENT TO COME TO SCHOOL UNTIL HE/SHE IS WELL.

Most medications can be administered before or after school. In the rare case where medicine must be brought and kept with the administration.

The medicine must be labeled with the student’s name, the name of the medication, the dosage, and the time it must be administered.

Lunch Break

Our policy is to encourage and provide healthy food. Pizza, snacks, and drinks will be available for sale. Parents are encouraged to provide their children with the money they need in case they do not bring their own lunch.

Pizza: $1.00    Snack Bars: $0.50
Juice: $0.50    Drink Bottle: $1.00 - $1.50

School Visitors

Visitors are welcome to visit during school hours. However, they must check in at the school office and obtain a visitor’s nametag.

Young children are not permitted to visit classrooms with their parents, but certainly may join their brother or sister during lunch WITH a parent. Please remember: When young children not attending the school accompany parents into the school, they must be under close supervision at all times.

Weather or Other Emergencies

In case of weather emergencies, students may be dismissed early if deemed necessary. Phone calls will be made to the parents using the Parent Calling Lists. In the case of snow storms, parents should stay tuned to local news stations or to check our web site for latest news on school cancellation.

Change of Address or Phone

The school must be notified of any changes in address or phone number so that (if necessary) parents may be contacted quickly.

Behavior Expectations


The following guidelines are not intended to restrict individual freedoms, but to enforce the right of every student to obtain a good education in an Islamic environment.

Equity, consistency, and firmness will exist for all students, insha’Allah. No student shall be denied the right to express his/her opinion in any given situation.


Student’s Responsibilities

Students are expected to:
  • Think, talk and act in an ISLAMIC MANNER
  • Accept responsibility for their own behavior.
  • Have a positive attitude toward learning.
  • Attend class regularly. Have appropriate materials in class.
  • Arrive at school prepared to learn (sufficient sleep, nutritious breakfast), etc.
  • Participate in class discussions and activities.
  • Speak clearly when called upon. Follow directions. Keep desk and materials clean and orderly.
  • Raise hand for permission before speaking.
  • Recognize and respect the rights of others: Individual rights (privacy, property, right to education, etc.).
  • Assist in communication between school and home. Help develop a sense of community within the school.

Teacher’s Responsibilities

  • Seek out and utilize alternative learning activities within the classroom.
  • Learn and utilize alternative techniques in dealing with behavior within the classroom.
  • Confer with parents making certain that problems and alternatives are presented in layman’s language.
  • Inform and involve an administrator when appropriate.
  • Safeguard the rights of students from violated by other students.
  • Be aware of and enforce school rules inside and outside the classroom whether or not student is assigned to him/her.
  • Be aware of and follow AL-HUDA School’s policies and administrative regulations pertaining to discipline.
  • Be with the students for the full duration the specified class time: Not leaving the students unattended.

Parent’s Responsibilities

  • Being aware of and understanding school policies and regulations.
  • Helping promote in the student a positive attitude about school.
  • Helping the student to be self-disciplined in regard to attendance, having supplies, studying, and respecting the rights of others.
  • Becoming acquainted with student’s teacher and school.
  • Sharing relevant information about student with school personnel.
  • Becoming involved with school activities.
  • Helping in classrooms or assisting school personnel in activities when desirable or possible.
  • Conferring with teacher when desired or requested.
  • Taking student home or providing an alternative place when removal from school becomes necessary (a cooperative effort between parent and school).
  • Reporting to the principal and/or central administrative personnel in writing any incident not following school policy.

Classification of Common Rules

Prayer Room (Musallah) Rules

  • Sit properly in the Musallah.
  • Keep quiet, respect the Musallah and Salaat.
  • Move in an orderly manner to and from Musallah with your teacher.
  • Always move quietly in the Musallah.

Classroom Rules

  • Listen to teacher and/or other students without interruption.
  • Follow directions.
  • Keep hands and feet to yourself and keep feet off of school furniture.
  • Stay in place and do not slouch in desk.

Lunch-room Rules

  • Walk slowly and orderly into and out of cafeteria.
  • Line-up in an orderly and quiet fashion in the serving line.
  • Clean up your area before leaving the eating area.
  • Eat only in lunch-room or assigned area.
  • Keep food off of the floor.
  • Stay at one table until you are finished eating.
  • Talk quietly and only with those students at your table.
  • Return to class with your teacher when the recess is over.

Bathroom Rules

  • Clean toilet seat and wash hands after use.
  • Boys are to sit, not stand, to urinate (Sunnah).
  • Clean private parts with water after toilet use (Sunnah).
  • Finish your business in the bathroom quickly without socializing and playing.

School Property Rules

  • Keep all school furniture and property free from damage.
  • Keep all school furniture and property free of graffiti.
  • Keep hands off of fire alarms
  • Keep school grounds clean and clear of all personal belongings, and/or garbage.

Academic Information

Elementary Levels

The Elementary Levels represents “the foundation.” The students are provided basic and concrete knowledge to produce well-educated Muslims, who are mindful of Allah, and students who seek knowledge as a lifelong obligation. The Elementary Levels consists of Junior-Kindergarten to Eighth Grade, offering the Arabic language and Islamic subjects across the curriculum to insure the proper development of the children’s Islamic personality. The Arabic program is offered in coordination with the Peel District School Board, and is supervised by the latter.

Secondary Levels

Grades 9 through 12 constitute the Secondary Levels. The Arabic program for the secondary levels is a credit program and will be under the supervision of Peel District School Board.


Homework consists of school-related projects or assignments, which are completed outside the regular school day. Both the time and the nature of the homework will vary according to factors such as age, grade, special needs of the individual student, and the units of study being emphasized in the classroom. We invite parents to help their child complete his or her home work in the best way possible.

Tests and Quizzes

Tests and quizzes are given throughout each grading period to assess the students’ learning.

Grading Teachers must adopt very clear criteria for student evaluation. The criteria are to be clearly defined and outlined to the students. The following areas are graded: Homework, discipline, class participation, scheduled quizzes, pop quizzes, and quarterly exams.

Parent/School Communication

Make the Commitment

Parents of students at ISOC shall adhere to the following commitment for the betterment of their children: With Allah as your witness,
  • Make the commitment to try to raise your child as a Muslim child;
  • Make the commitment to remind your child to pray 5 times daily;
  • Make the commitment to try to pray with your child at least once per day;
  • Make the commitment to encourage your child to observe an Islamic dress-code inside and outside of school;
  • Make the commitment to actively support the school, its policies, and its activities;
  • Make the commitment to be aware of your child’s assignments on regular basis;
  • Make the commitment to require the development of your child’s Islamic character: no lying, no disrespect to others, any mocking, etc.;
  • Make the commitment to understand and develop in your child respect for others and for him/herself;
  • Make the commitment to emphasize to your child the necessity to come to school clean, in clean clothes, with short and clean finger nails, with brushed, well-kempt hair;
  • Make the commitment to encourage your child not to slouch, not to sit with one leg on the other, not to talk back to teachers or each other, to always face the front of the class, not to deface property, and to keep the school clean.

Communication with teachers

  • Teachers at AL-HUDA SCHOOL will regularly contact their students’ respective parents in order to assist in understanding and resolving educational or behavioral issues.
  • Teacher will be available to meet with the parents every  after school time.

Agenda Folder

Teachers at Elementary grade levels are to send home weekly assignments/behavior reports on each student for parent signature.

Report Cards

Report Cards are sent home to all students at the end of each grading term.


Any issues, which come up between a student/teacher and a staff-member, should first be addressed with the involved staff-member, before any further steps are taken. In nine times out of ten, the problem can be resolved without proceeding further. Any comments/complaints, which cannot be resolved directly, should be made in writing and given to the secretary. The secretary will make a copy to keep on file and will give original either to the Principal or respective administrator, as deemed appropriate. If a comment/complaint is of a confidential nature, the person making said comment/complaint should submit to the Principal or Administrator directly. All comments/complaints should be accompanied by suggestions whenever possible. It should not be assumed that verbal comments, complaints, or suggestions would be retained and/or recalled by member(s) of administrative staff. Everything should be in writing. The wisdom of the Qur’an and Sunnah must always be the guide.

Special Programs


WDhuhr Salaat will be performed in a group, Jamaa; where all students will be supervised to attend and fulfill this duty.

Ramadan and Iftar Activities

Ramadan is a sacred occasion for Muslims. Muslims strengthen their relationship with Allah by increased worship. Lunch will not be on sale during this month. However, young students are asked to bring their own lunch from home. Parents will be informed of any activity or if the school timing will change during this month.

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