Writing lines is a form of punishment handed out to
misbehaving students by teachers, prefects, etc. at schools in many
countries of the world.
Writing lines involves copying a sentence on to a piece of paper or a blackboard
as many times as the teacher requires. The sentence to be copied may be
related to the reason the lines are being given, e.g. "I will not talk
in class." In India, this is referred to as imposition, as also
in Britain, at least in the past. In many Catholic schools in the U.S.,
it is called "penance." The number of lines to be written may be 100 or
Many students
use an alternative method to write their lines, thinking they are
getting the task completed much quicker. Rather than writing the lines
a sentence at a time, they will write them a word at a time. For
example, for the line "I will not talk in class", the student would
first write the word "I" down the left hand side of his paper. Once
this is complete, he will then write "will" next to "I" to the bottom
of the page. This is repeated until the lines are complete.
Although this feels a lot quicker, obviously the same number of
words are being written either way so in theory it should take just as
long. However, it is possible that if a student believes the method is
quicker, he will work harder anyway and thus finish more quickly than a
student completing lines the conventional way.
Many students actually do finish more quickly because they are able to
write the words faster when writing the same one over and over.
Another trick sometimes tried, though perhaps more in school
folklore and fiction than in reality, is the use of multiple writing
implements (e.g. several pens taped together).
A write-out is when a child may have to copy out a certain text,
e.g. a page/chapter of their book. This is sometimes called "writing
given an extremely lengthy long-division
problem and suffer additional punishment if the problem is completed
The student is required to write an original composition, usually
between 300 and 500 words but possibly more in serious cases. The
composition might be a letter of apology to the class for the child's
disruptive behavior, or it might be a "meditation" on whatever type of
misconduct the child committed, or it might be to "write a definition"
(for example, of a blackboard eraser when the child has been guilty of
throwing a blackboard eraser).
The child is sometimes required to memorize fifty or a hundred lines of poetry or the day's Gospel or other Scriptural text.
Detention is one of the most common punishments in schools in
the United States, Britain, Ireland, Singapore and other countries. It
requires the pupil to remain in school at a given time in the school
day (such as lunch, recess or after school) -- or even to attend school
on a non-school day, e.g. "Saturday detention" held at some US schools.
During detention, students normally have to sit in a classroom and do
work, write lines or a punishment essay, or sit quietly. Sometimes,
students are required to participate in a work detail, doing various
tasks such as picking up trash, mopping floors, or cleaning. In the UK,
the Education Act 1997 obliges a school to give parents at least 24 hours' notice of a detention outside school hours. Possible reasons for a detention might include:
- Talking out of turn in class
- Failing grades
- Not turning up at a previous detention (In some schools this is punished with a suspension or corporal punishment)
- Swearing
- Name-calling
- Lying
- Bullying (In some schools this is punished with a suspension or corporal punishment)
- Blackmailing (also part of bullying)
- Persistent tardiness (In some schools this is punished with corporal punishment)
- Classroom disruptions
- Not listening
- Sleeping during class
- Swinging on chairs continuously despite being warned
- Truancy
- Running in the hallways
- Cell phones or other electronic devices out during school (In some
schools this is punished with a suspension or corporal punishment) - Vandalism (In some schools this is punished with a suspension or corporal punishment)
Usually school staff give students warnings first and, if a student
fails to heed the warning, detention might be given. Many schools first
give detention at recess or at lunch and if a student misbehaves again
an after-school detention may be given.
Students have different nicknames for detention in different
cultures, often jocularly alluding to its supposed similarity with
imprisonment -- "in the jug", "in the clink", and so on.
Some secondary schools in southern U.S. states offer a corporal
punishment option as an alternative to detention. If the student
chooses to be paddled instead of having after-school detention, it
avoids having to arrange transport after the school bus has gone, which
can cause difficulties for parents.
On Report
Being "put on report" is a punishment often used in schools for serious misconduct, such as truancy.
Typically a student is given a report card, which he or she carries
to classes at school. At each lesson the teacher in charge of the class
completes and signs a box on the card confirming the student's presence
at the lesson and commenting on his or her attitude. In some cases
there will also be a place for a more senior teacher and the student's
parent or guardians to confirm they have read the report at the end of
each day. Some schools will also have a number of different grades of
report reflecting the seriousness of the punishment.
A student may be placed on report for a fixed time period, such as a
week, or until their behaviour improves. Their parents may also
voluntarily place them on report.
In the USA this kind of report card is usually referred to as a
Conduct Card, to differentiate it from the report card issued with
grades each term or after each marking period. In many schools, the
Conduct Card is issued to any student who has received a failing grade
in Conduct for the previous marking period. Typically the student has
to present the card to each teacher each day for a week. The teacher
confirms the student's presence in the class and, most importantly,
enters a conduct grade for the class. If the student fails to receive a
passing grade in conduct from each teacher for a full week, the student
has to carry the card again for another week.
Among other refinements, in order to emphasize failures, teachers
might enter a failing grade with red ink or circle it in red, although
red ink may also be used to signify a grade subject to revision.
Although issuance of a Conduct Card or placing a student on report is
not a physical punishment, the psychological impact on some students
may be significant since some teachers have been known to award a
failing grade on the final day of each week so as to renew the
punishment indefinitely. Each week the student may hope to escape from
carrying the card but is frustrated by a teacher's seizing on a minor
lapse in behaviour to fail the student and thus continue the
punishment. Ancillary effects of the punishment may include the
students being excluded from participation in extracurricular
activities or ineligibility for any privileges while carrying the card.
Suspension or temporary exclusion is mandatory leave
assigned to a student as a form of punishment that can last anywhere
from one day to several weeks, during which time the student cannot
attend regular lessons. The student's parents/guardians are notified of
the reason for and duration of the out-of-school suspension. Sometimes
students have to complete work during their suspensions for which they
receive no credit. Also, upon returning to school, it is often
mandatory that the student, his/her parents/guardians, and a school
administrator have a meeting to discuss and evaluate the matter. In
American schools there are often two types of suspenion; In-School
Suspension (ISS) and Out-of-School Suspension (OSS). In-school
suspension requires the student to report to school as normal, but sit
in a special room all day, rather like a prison sentence. Out-of-school
suspension suspends the student from being on school grounds.[3]
From the school's point of view, out-of-school suspension gets the
troublesome student out of the way. However, it has often been
criticised because from the student's point of view it can just seem
like having an extra holiday, almost the opposite of a punishment.
Corporal punishment
In past times, corporal punishment (spanking or paddling or caning
or strapping the student in order to cause physical pain) was one of
the most common forms of school discipline throughout much of the
world. Most Western countries, and some others, have now banned it, but
it remains lawful in the United States following a Supreme Court
decision in 1977 which held that paddling did not violate the
30 US states have banned corporal punishment, the others (mostly in
the South) have not. It is still used to a significant (though
declining) degree in some public schools in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia,
Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas. Private schools
in these and most other states may also use it.
Official corporal punishment, often by caning, remains commonplace in schools in some Asian, African and Caribbean countries. For details of individual countries see School corporal punishment.
Other kinds of physical punishment
In many countries, students committing relatively minor offences may
be required to do a certain number of push-ups on the spot, or to run
laps round the playing field.
In the Indian subcontinent a punishment called "murgha banana"
consists of having the student assume a bending-over position, touching
the toes, and hold this position for as long as the teacher requires.
In South Korea a common punishment is for students to be required to
go down on all fours with posterior in the air, and hold the position
for a given length of time, often culminating in a spanking as the
signal to get up.
Exclusion, expulsion, withdrawing or permanent exclusion is the
removal of a student permanently from the school. This is the ultimate
last resort, when all other methods of discipline have failed. However,
in extreme situations it may also be used for a single offence.
Some education authorities have a nominated school in which all
excluded students are collected; this typically has a much higher
staffing level than mainstream schools. In some US public schools,
expulsions and exclusions are so serious that they require an
appearance before the Board of Education. In the UK, head teachers may
make the decision to exclude but the student's parents have the right
of appeal to the local education authority. This has proved
controversial in cases where the head teacher's decision has been
overturned (and his or her authority thereby undermined), and there are
proposals to abolish the right of appeal.
Expulsion from a private school is a more straightforward matter,
since the school can merely terminate its contract with the parents.
In past times, some private boys' schools in the UK would hold a
special shaming ceremony before an assembly of the entire school to
formally expel the offender, at which in some cases he would also be
caned or birched before being removed from the premises. A few schools
in Singapore still use this combination of formal public caning plus expulsion in serious cases.
Other sanctions
Other, lesser sanctions may also be applied, including loss of
privileges, additional homework or practical chores. For milder
offences, students may be asked to move to the front of the class. They
may also be asked to stand in a corner or stand facing against a wall.
a)1-20 day suspension-Police will be involved
b)5-20 day suspension
c)20 day suspension-Expulsion proceeding will be initiatedPokemon cards are not allowed and mp3 players
a)Take this away until end
b)Suspension 1-5 Days
c)Suspension up to 2 weeks
-Possible expelled
3-Improper behavor in masjid
a)after school detention
B)suspension 1-2 days
c)Parents to visit the school
-1-5 days in home suspension
4)-Robbery (stealing)
You will be expelled from school
Cheating Lying
Suspension 20 days
3-an increase in timeout
4-Phone call by teacher
5-Conference with teacher and vice-principal in office
6-Students will sent automatically to office
8-1/2 or 1 day in school suspension
9- 1-5 day home suspension
10-Expulsion from school