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We take great care and pride in creating this Site. We are always on the lookout for technical glitches that effect how the Site works. When we find them on our end, we will fix them. Unfortunately, your home computer may cause some glitches that effect how you see our Site--and that is beyond our control.

If you experience any unusual behavior, content or ads on the Site, it may be the result of Malware on your computer. Malware--short for MALicious softWARE--is a term used to broadly classify a form of software which is installed in a computer system with malicious intentions, usually without the owner's knowledge or permission. Malware includes computer viruses, key loggers, malicious active content, rogue programs and dialers, among others. While we continuously work closely with our partners to ensure that everything on the Site is working properly, sometimes Malware programs on your personal computer may interfere with your experience on our Site and on other sites that you visit.

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If you do discover any Malware on your system, we also suggest you speak with a qualified computer technician.

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